The pervasiveness of digital technologies in daily life is fundamentally changing the way individuals’ access and elaborate knowledge. Individuals have to process complex information, think systematically and take decisions weighting different forms of evidence. They also have to continuously update their skills to match rapid technical change at the workplace. More fundamentally, in order to seize the new opportunities that digital technologies are opening in many areas, individuals have to develop the right set of skills to make a meaningful use of these technologies. Within our Computing Science department we encourage our students to use the latest Glow communication technologies and software to prepare for the work place.
Some 80,000 people work in digital technology roles in Scotland, in software development, telecoms, IT services and digital agencies, generating almost £4 billion of economic value for the Scottish economy. The Scottish Government calculate that more than 10,000 new people are needed every year to fill the high-value roles the industry generates. Last year there were only 4000 graduates in Computing Science. Automation will affect one in five jobs across the UK
A government white paper on adapting the education system so that it focuses on creativity and interpersonal skills in addition to the stem subjects of science, technology, engineering and maths. The Computing Science department is working on raising awareness and providing the opportunities to develop the skills in computing technologies through the courses on offer from S1 to S6