Welcome to the Modern Languages Department Website.

The Modern Languages Department in St. Ninian’s is very proud of its long history of academic success. The SQA results in French and Spanish have meant that we have been sector leading in Scotland.  We aim to adopt an inclusive approach within the Department where all of our pupils are encouraged to aim high, so that they achieve their full potential and gain the skill of speaking another language; an invaluable skill for learning, life and work.

Learning other languages enables young people to make connections with different people and their cultures, to play a fuller part as global citizens, and to become more employable in an endless number of career destinations.

It is important that the young people of St. Ninian’s are attracted to learning at least one modern foreign language as this will provide them with an essential skill needed in the new Europe and in the global marketplace. We aim, therefore, to enhance our learners’ awareness of other cultures, and to provide them with the linguistic ability to communicate with people from these different cultures.

In St. Ninian’s the Modern Languages Department is in the unique position of offering French, Spanish and Mandarin to pupils in S1 and beyond. Whilst this also enhances their knowledge of the English language, one of our key aims is to develop our young peoples’ communicative competence so that they are able to use and enjoy foreign languages in real life situations and for relevant purposes throughout their lives.

Within the Modern Languages Department we promote a communicative approach to language learning with active learning strategies and enjoyable experiences so that, French, Spanish and Mandarin are brought to life in our classrooms.
