Welcome to our school staff page. Below you can see a list of our staff members, including our Head Teacher and Depute Head Teachers here at St Ninian's High School.
Suzanne Boyle
Depute Head Teacher
David Sheerin
Garry Mulgrew
Act Depute Head Teacher
Steve Rance
Miss R Anderson
Mr R Blackwood
Mrs M Quigley
Miss S Ahmed
Mrs B McQuillan PT
Mr NScott PT
Mr J Farrell (PTG)
Mrs L Whiteford
Ms V Taylor
Mrs S Boyle (DHT)
Mrs J Paul
Mrs L Horgan
Mr J Stone
Mr G Webb
Mr J Diver
Miss E Duffy
St Margaret of Scotland
Ms M McHugh
Mother Teresa
Mrs P Stafford
St John Ogilvie
Mrs E A Bradley
St Mungo
Mr J Farrell
St Andrew
Ms M Heron
St John Paul
Mr D Boland