The PTA comprises of parents and teachers who meet approximately every 2 months throughout the school year.

Our main aim is to raise funds to benefit the pupils and we achieve this through holding social events such as ceilidhs, race nights, quiz nights, ladies nights etc.

PTA meetings provide a fantastic opportunity to meet other parents and also to become better informed about issues and events affecting school life.

Meetings are held at the school and are open to all parents, carers, and guardians. New members will be warmly welcomed. It is not imperative that all meetings are attended – any level of support will be greatly appreciated.

Previous monies have been spent on football strips, prize giving, computers and contributions to SCIAF.

Please come and join us. We look forward to seeing you.  If you are interested in joining or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Chairperson, Mrs Cairney, via email at