UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award is based around the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Schools involved in the Rights Respecting Schools Award work towards the recognition that they have embedded children’s and young people’s rights in their school’s practice and ethos. Schools are required to implement three evidence-based strands that cover the leadership of the school, knowledge and understanding of children’s rights, ethos and relationships and the empowerment of children and young people.
There are three levels to the Award:
Bronze: Rights Committed
Silver: Rights Aware
Gold: Rights Respecting
St Ninian’s Journey to Gold
After being awarded Silver status by UNICEF in October 2021, we began our journey to fully embed children’s rights into daily life here at St Ninian’s. Our group of around 20 Rights Ambassadors worked on a weekly basis to drive us forward toward this goal. Of particular note was St Ninian’s commitment to supporting other schools in beginning their Rights journey. We have visited both Holy Family and Holy Trinity primary schools with our Ambassadors leading rights lessons to pupils from Primary 1 to 7. We also focussed strongly on the empowerment of young people globally. Our Rights group chose to campaign against the oppression of girls in Iran and our school stood in solidarity with Iranian girl’s freedom of expression. We also highlighted human right’s issues during the Qatar World Cup.
The journey to ‘Gold: Rights Respecting’ is the highest stage of the Award granted by UNICEF UK and St Ninian’s achieved this in December 2023 after an accreditation visit by UNICEF. This success was a result of a huge team effort from all staff, pupils and the wider community. We look forward to continuing our inspiring journey and keeping children’s rights central to everything we do.
Rights Respecting Schools Charter
Our Rights Charter was formed after consultation with all school staff, pupils and parents. Over 500 people responded to our rights survey and we have selected 5 children’s rights that are especially important to our schools community. Our Rights Charter is displayed in our social area and in classrooms.